Missing in Action

Decided to hangup and hangout for a little while

Hey everyone just wanted to start off with a little apology (even though i don’t technically owe anyone one since this my own thing) but decided to take some time off from the blog while my Dad, Laurie, Patrick and Yara were visiting. Im not going to do a big recap of everything I did while with them so feel free to ask them or check out my photos in the Spain section.

I was with my family October 2nd - 10th then I trained to Madrid to meet up with Ben (one of the guys i met at Oktoberfest). We adventured around in Madrid for one night and one day and decided to head to Porto because neither of us really liked Madrid. It was pretty boring and i personally felt no need to stay longer or even try to see anything else.

But left for Porto, Portugal the 12th and will start a new blog recap of the past fews days!

Appreciate you all and your patience <3


Catching up


Recovery day in Zurich