Recovery day in Zurich

Day 24 -

I genuinely can not wait to see my family soon. I am feeling very home sick, physically sick and just run down. I ended up spending my entire day in bed on and off sleeping and inhaling cold medicine. I finally convinced myself to get out of bed and walk around this evening around 5pm and walked down to the water front closest to my hotel. I didnt want to push it considering Im still not feeling well. It has also been 45° and raining all day so I dont feel as guilty about taking the reset day. I ended up grabbing a salad at a small market, going to Aldi to grab some tea bags and pretzels to snack on and headed back to the hotel by 7pm. Now i am set up again for an early relaxing evening in bed watching Netflix and hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better and up to exploring. Tomorrow is my last full day in Zurich then I fly out to Barcelona October 1st at 7am to check into the families Airbnb and then they will arrive the morning of the 2nd!!


Missing in Action


Oktoberfest - Munich 2022