Catching up

Day 37-

Good morning world! At the nice hour of 7am I woke up Ben and we grabbed our stuff before ubering to the airport to fly to Porto, Portugal. Once there, we grabbed some breakfast at a small coffee shop and waited to board our 10:20am flight.

Next thing we know, were boarding and i turn back to see that Ben had been put on standby and has to wait for the 3pm flight. So i boarded and off i went!

I luckily was able to drop my bags off at the hostel early then adventure around until checkin. I ended up sitting at this tiny coffee shop with a beautiful view and caught up writing in my journal.

Around 3:30pm, I walked back to the hostel checked in and relaxed until Ben arrived. Once he got here we walked around some more and ended up watching the sunset from the bridge and at a rooftop bar for a drink or two before dinner.

Day 38 -

We had a slowish morning today and i woke up with the worst sore throat. It felt like i had swallowed glass while i was sleeping. Luckily, i keep cough drops on me so i was snacking on them all day. Due to the crazy sea fog here we just ended up wandering around town, back at the same coffee shop I was at before then taking a trolly down to Farolim de Felgueiras. We walked around there for a little while trying to take in all the little moments of the fishermen, families and individuals strolling around

Ben and I then took the trolly back to the main city and went on the prowl for the famous Portuguese sandwich, Francesinha, originally from Porto, made with bread, wet-cured ham, linguiça, fresh sausage like chipolata, steak or roast meat, and covered a poached egg with melted cheese and a hot and thick spiced tomato and beer sauce. I was expecting it to be terrible but it actually ended up being pretty dang good.

After lunch most of the seafog had cleared so we walked and took a gondola ride on the southwest side of the river. It was very short and honestly underwhelming but felt like it was something we needed to do. We took it down, explored a little then took it back up to the top so we didn’t have to hike up the insane amount of stairs. I was not expecting Porto to be so hilly for some reason. We decided to head back to the hostel to relax for a little around 5pm. Ben napped and i sat in the lobby having some coffee and reading. I really am starting to not feel good and am kinda concerned.

Ben came down and we went out to dinner where I had some hot water with Vitamin C and then vegetable soup. After that, we met up with a friend of Ben’s who’s traveling with his family right now in Portugal for a glass of Port and then I left the boys because I really wasn’t feeling well.

Day 39 -

I feel like death. My throat hurts, i’m super congested, nose is running like a faucet. Just jot having a great time lol

I slept in until 10:30am ish because I could not sleep to save my life last night, showered and then walked to the pharmacy to try to get some meds. Ben and i went to get breakfast which I knew i needed even if i wasnt hungry and now i am back at the hostel down bad in my bed trying to sleep this virus off Crossing my fingers i feel better tomorrow


Body Breakdown


Missing in Action