Body Breakdown

My travels and lack of healthy food & fitness are catching up with me. I feel TERRIBLE.

Yesterday afternoon I was in bed from 4pm - 9:30 am (this morning) with a wonderful 102.3° fever, congestion and cough. I eventually forced myself to get up and find some gatorade and crackers to hold me over then right back to bed.

This morning i slept in and then Ben and I checked out of our hostel and headed to the train station to go to Lisbon. Honestly I am not in the most happy social mood due to feeling like i got ran over by a truck and sharing rooms with so many people. All i want is my bed at home and to be under my parents or Emilys care lol

But onward and upward - took the 3.5 hour train and now checked into my hostel in Lisbon. Its super cool and hoping that tomorrow ill be feeling good and well enough to socialize, make some friends and explore Lisbon. Currently out forcing myself to eat my first meal in 2 days! then most likely walking to the water front and heading to bed.


Alive and Well


Catching up