Oktoberfest - Munich 2022

The past 4 days have taken years off my life but have gained me so many memories that i will never forget.

Day 20 -

This morning I took a 8:00am train from Hamburg to Munich. Luckily, this time I had a seat and there was no man eating sardines next to me. It was a long but beautiful rainy train ride. I caught up on some sleep, journalling and chatted with an old german couple that was sitting across from me. Once we arrived at Munich Central Station I hooped off and went to the Wombat Hostel.

Here while I am in Munich I made plans to meet up with a girl who was also solo traveling named Taylor. We found each other over facebook groups and decided Oktoberfest was the perfect meet up place because we both wanted to go but didn’t want to go alone. I spent the afternoon relaxing until Taylor got there then we met our two bunkmates, Simon (New Zealand) and Richard (Wales), who played professional rugby together and now are just here to party and they had definitely partied lol We had to help Richard take off his shoes and get into his top bunk.

Taylor and I went out for a quick dinner by the Marienplatz and got the typical German Bratwurst, potatoes and cabbage for dinner before tucking ourselves into bed and mentally preparing ourselves for tomorrow!!

Day 21 -

Let the horror story begin - I woke up to use the bathroom and someone pooped in our shower. I am not joking. There was POOP in the SHOWER. Taylor and I knew Simon and Richard were drunk but they promised it wasn’t them. We had another guy come into the room around midnight and leave by 5am so we are assuming it was him but there we still have our suspicions 🤔 That was probably the most embarrassing things I’ve had to tell the hostel front desk They were SHOOK.

But the rest of the day went better I promise. Taylor and I grabbed breakfast in the hostel and went out to buy some dirndls for the festivities! Of course, C&A did not have any in my size so we ended up at a small local shop for mine but I love it and now have it forever!! We headed back to the hostel, sent Richard and Simon off for their day 2 in rough condition and then we were off ourselves!

I knew Oktoberfest was huge but i did not realize it was this huge! Also it was a Monday so I was not expecting the packed tents. Taylor and I headed over to the Hofbräu-Festzelt tent where we were sat at a table with two Germans guys from Hamburg, two American guys from NYC and Cali and then a whole gang of Italians. The table was very quite at first but next thing you know we all had a beer or two and conversations were flowing!! Taylor and I ended up budding up and spending the rest of the day With KC (NYC guy) and Ben (Cali) because they were cool and staying in our hostel too!

Yes - KC bought not only one Minnon ballon but two because the first one got loose and floated to the ceiling.

Next up we headed over to the Hacker-Festzelt Tent and somehow ran into our bunkmates Richard and Simon. We hung out with the for a while before heading to Augustiner Festhalle. Next you know, its 8pm and we’ve been there for 8 hours. Ben and Taylor decided to head home but KC and I decided to stay and ended up riding all the amusement rides like little kids. It was honestly so so fun!!

Day 22 -

Taylor sadly had to fly home to Michigan today so I made sure she was up and moving fir her flight. After that, I wallowed in my hangover in bed for a little while before getting up and exploring around the city.

Ben, KC and I met up around 1pm and headed out for round 2 of Oktoberfest and had an another amazing day full of beer, new friends, more amusement rides and amazing memories. We stayed until close (11pm) tonight despite the 42° rainy weather and the fact that we all didnt have jackets (no wonder im now sick).

Day 23 -

KC had an early flight this morning and was out bright and early. Ben went to return their lederhosen‘s and then we met up to grab lunch before I had to catch my 1pm bus to Zurich. I was not feeling too hot today - definitely drained, malnourished and hungover all at once. We ended up at a small German restaurant and cured ourselves with some soup before Ben walked me to the bus and off to Zurich I went!

The bus ride was rough and I am definitely sick. I got to Central Station and took the trolly as close to my hotel - yes you read that right. hotel. - as i could. In all honesty, i got in around 6pm, ordered delivery food, showered and tucked myself into bed by 8pm with Netflix playing on my phone. TV is all in German


Recovery day in Zurich


High highs and low lows