Hamburgers in Hamburg

Today was ROUGH and yes, I meant that in all caps. I was deathly hungover.

The morning started off with me going tk bed at 2am after once again a few too many jäger shots and then a lovely 5:30am wake up for my train. I still have a fear of missing it after my Oslo experience lol so up and at’em I went looking like a shell of a human to the train station

I had a wonderful 6 hour train ride ahead of me and was so excited to eat my life saving croissant and fall asleep. Instead, I ate my croissant, slept for 1 hour then was woken up by German men because apparently I was in their reserved seat. The train was already packed and I knew i bought a ticket without the seat reservation so up i got to find a new seat. With my luck of the day I ended up in the carriage that was half baggage storage and half seats - aka the shittiest carriage of them all. Babies crying, dogs barking, men listening to videos on their phones at full volume and no headphones, and of course saving the last for best - a man eating canned sardines next to me. I wanted to die.

I somehow saved the torturous ride which i believe was probably punishment from God for taking too many shots last night. Luckily i was able to check into my hostel a little early, unpack and sprinted (hungover speed walk) to the closest burger joint to cure me. I ordered a burger and poutine and it worked its magic.

After that I explored around my hostel area for a few hours just walking around to see what I would find. Then I decided to come home nap for a little bit, went out for a late dinner then connected with the fam over the phone. I spoke with my mom and alayna for a while and then next up was Laurie for about an hour just catching up, planning out meeting up with them in Spain and giving them the run down :) I tucked myself into bed around 10pm and was asleep instantly. (So quickly that I actually fell asleep with an airpod still on from watching Netflix and woke up in the morning with it missing lol)


High highs and low lows


Recap of Copenhagen