Cogan’s in Copenhagen 🇩🇰

Day 14 -

My lesson was learned and the error was not made again lol I made the train for my first leg of my trip to Copenhagen. Just barely though because to train conductor told me I was on the wrong train so I got off and then I was like wait…. I think he’s wrong….. Ive never seen someone apologize more even though I made it hahaha So that train was from Stockholm to Lund Central Station. From Lund I had to take a bus to Malmö and then finally a train from Malmö to Köbenhavn H. With my first train running late, bus running early and not labeled last train I somehow made it here successfully!!

It was a long day of traveling from 7:30am (when i got the train station) to 2:30pm arriving in Copenhagen. Luckily my hostel is only a 5 minute walk from the train station.

So far what I have seen from my short walk and my walk this afternoon for about 2 hours I really am disappointed with the city. I dont know if im just not in the right area or what but it seems super dodgey. Apparently, Im hanging out with too many Aussie because I dont think i have ever typed out “dodgey” in my life. I ended up grabbing some microwaveable lasagna and a vitamin “well” defense water drink (loaded with vitamins) for dinner and cooked in the hostel. Now I am currently laying in bed writing this. so far the roomies are super quiet but seems like everyones just exhausted. Im in a room with 5 other girls these next few days so we shall see. Going to give Copenhagen the benefit of the doubt and hope tomorrow is better!!

Slaap goed! Welterusten allemaal!

(sleep good! Goodnight all!)


Recap of Copenhagen


Birthday in Sweden