Last Day in Norway

Hi friends - sorry if any of you had technical issues and from the delay of this post :/ of course, when I told myself I was going to be better about posting every night square space goes down and I couldn’t.

Day 9 -

Today was a goos relaxing day. I let myself sleep in until around 9ish then got up and ready and read my book for a little bit in the common space of my hostel. Ive been reading a bunch of Colleen Hoover books but feel like I should probably start reading some non-fiction while Im traveling. Reading is such a relaxing thing for me and I’ve been really into books ever since my horse girl days and readying the Thoroughbred book series (72 books) by Joanna Campbell. It so nerdy but I love it because its like escaping reality and placing yourself into a whole different world or fantasy. During my trip Ive only really been able to read before bed which means I get a few pages in before falling asleep so decided to let myself relax a little this morning

After a while I decided its my last full day in Oslo, I should adventure. Originally Stian (Norwegian man I met two nights ago) and I were looking into possibly renting a small sailboat to take out this evening but its was extremely expensive. He also suggested I go to his favorite hiking spot during the day but it was a difficult to get there :( instead I decided to walk along the Akerselva River (ab 4.5 miles total = 7.25 km) and over to Grünerløkka. Grünerløkka is this really cool kind of northern liberties/old city vibes. While walking back my stomach really started to hurt and I was genuinely scared considering I was about 2 miles from my hostel but I somehow made it back before getting sick. My stomach really doesnt like these Scandinavian meals - JK I think kt was probably the nasty ramen I got from the grocery store last night. Coming back to bite me in the ass now hahaha

After recouping for a little bit, I decided I should probably try to eat something considering it was 2pm and I hadn’t eaten since 5pm yesterday. I ended up walking back over to my favorite area, Aker Brygge district, for a piece of quiche and cup of tea. I know the quiche probably wasnt the best idea but I needed some well rounded substance. At the cafe I booked a ton of stuff for the rest of the month:

  • Bus & Train Ticket to Stockholm, Sweden

  • Hostel for Stockholm

  • Train ticket to Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Hostel for Copenhagen

  • Train to Hamburg, Germany to meet up with Danny and Natalie (Patrick and Yara’s friends who Im forcing my friendship on again)

  • Hostel for Hamburg

  • Finalized plans to meet up with Taylor - 23 year old girl from Michigan who is also solo traveling. We “met” in this cool facebook group called Lonely Travelers.

    • still need to book train to Munich, hostel and rent my Dirndl for Oktoberfest :)

  • Bought train ticket from Munich to Zurich, Switerland

    • still need to book hostel

  • Bought flight from Zurich to Barcelona, Spain to meet up with the fam for the Family Vacation 10/2-10/10 !!

See my bank account is currently crying

Next, I decided to head over to the Nobel Peace Prize Museum and Viking Planet but while walking my stomach literally went into insane cramps. So instead, I walked back to the hostel and let tried to feel better for a little bit. Still blaming the Pylsur from Iceland and the cheap ramen.

Eventually, I took a quick shower and google duo-ed my grandparents to wish them a happy 59th Anniversary - isnt that insane. 59 years being married. I can barely keep a mans attention for 59 seconds hahahaha After updating them on my travels and hearing about their week I ventured out to grab a light healthy dinner. I feel like my body needs hydration and veggies. Ended up eating a warm salad/quinoa bowl which of course stomach sent my stomach spiraling. Next thing you know, I have a low grade fever and was running to the bathroom every 30mins. I popped a few Advil + tums combos and climbed into bed around 8:30pm to watch a movie before trying to fall asleep. I have an early wake up call tomorrow - bus leaves at 6:22 am will be on that for 3 hours and then a 3.5 hour high speed train to Stockholm!


Hej, From Sweden!


Wherever the Wind Takes Me