First Sick Day

***Disclaimer - I am writing all of these posts on my phone while traveling so please be understanding of spelling and grammatical errors***

Hi friends and fam - a slight delay for the post from yesterday.

Day 3 -

The day started off with me accidentally locking my backpack inside the hostel while I was still standing outside :) had to wait a good 35mins for one of the maids to show up and let me back in to grab it. I definitely learned my lesson!

After that hectic start it was time for a lovely 4.5 hour drive to Diamond Beach. Spent the first hour of this drive taking in the scenery and feeling so proud of myself for everything I’m doing. But then my old lady acid reflux took over my day. I dont know if its just from all of the changes or the fact that I really haven’t been eating too much but its been rough the past few days and today was definitely the worst. I finally got to Diamond beach after the 4.5 hours and it was amazing - for a solid 30mins. I took some cool pictures, facetimed my dad and started the 4.5 hour drive BACK to Bakki Hostel.

I ended up adding in a stop at Fjaðrárgljúfur (don’t ask me how to pronounce that) and it made the drive worth the while. It is a deep and winding river canyon that is estimated to be about 2 million years old. I cant even process how old that is. THENNNN back on the road for the last 3 hours of the drive. One weird fact about Iceland is that the birds here are literal suicide bombers. I have never seen more dead birds on the road. They literally can fly away from all the cars but instead, they fly directly into them. My mom always told me how when she was learning to drive with my Poppop Fishy he yelled at her for swerving for birds because “they’ll get out of the way”. Well - not here lol

Finally as we were nearing my hostel I started to look up restaurants for dinner because everything closes here around 9pm and at the moment its 8:37 pm and I’m still 35 minutes away. Everyone’s been telling me I need to try Pylsa, which is pretty much the equivalent to a cheesesteak in Philly. My first thought was, “i havent seen a pig on this island.” Luckily for that they have made hotdogs out of a mostly lamb and a sprinkle of pork and beef. Still concerning though. ***Another fun fact - Sheep outnumber humans in Icleand, It’s about a 2:1 ratio***served on a warm, steamed bun topped with raw white onions and crispy fried onions, ketchup, sweet brown mustard called pylsusinnep, and remoulade, a sauce made with mayo, capers, mustard, and herbs. So of course the only place I was able to find that was open was a drive through Pylsa stop which surprisingly had amazing reviews. I cant read the menu to save my life to I looked like an idiot asking for “Iceland’s famous hotdog thingy” but apparently they understood.

I got back to the hostel and ate the Pylsa in my car and all I can say is it was interesting. Like a sweet hotdog. I don’t know it was weird. But I head into the hostel shower, unpack a little and ended up sitting with a girl around my age named Mirea and an older French Man who’s name I can not remember. We were all just talking about how we got to where we are and where we’ve traveled to so far in Iceland. This ended up being about a 2 hour conversation over some tea before bed.

Then it all hit me - from 11 pm - 3 am I was running back and forth from my bed to the bathrooms getting sick from something. I am fully blaming the Pylsa.


New Hostels and New Friends


Getting a Grip on Iceland