No way I’m in Norway

Hey hey heyyyyy - Im back :)

Day 6 -

This morning I woke up around 6am, finished packing up, loaded up the car and then headed to the Airport. There I was surprisingly able to drop off the rental car pretty quickly, get through bag drop and security probably within an hour! Once inside, I met up with Kaine (Day 1 Iowa guy) and said our goodbyes. He was heading to Scotland with a 10 hour layover in London. Then I headed to my gate relaxed for about 20mins and then it was time to board. Once on the flight I used that time to catch up in my travel journal and read some of my book. Once off the plane I grabbed my bag and headed to the FlytoGet Highspeed trains to get from the airport to Oslo City Station (about a 30min train ride). Not going to lie, Im proud of myself for getting to Oslo so smoothly! My check in for my hostel was at 4pm and I got there at perfect timing. Got into my room and I am bunking with two older women - one from Hawaii that is a life coach. The other’s name is Cheryl and she is originally from South Africa but moved to Canada and then just finished up her Masters in Amsterdam and is traveling for a month before signing onto an organizational change project with Deloitte.

I honestly spend this evening to myself just walking around the local area and down tk the Harbor. There was a big festival, Norway ERAS Festivalen - a folk multicultural festival initiated by 28 voluntary immigrant organizations with a artist and volunteers from all the participating organizations and held every summer at Rådhusplassen. After that I decided to go get dinner and was planning to sit in a restaurant and eat by myself but I really did not feel like being in a restaurant or socializing so I ended up going to a local pizzeria and getting a small personal pizza to go. I ended up walking back down to the pier and sat and ate my pizza in peace while watching the sunset.

Now I am just sitting in the common space of my hostel sipping on some mint tea and hydrating up before bed and a long day of walking adventure tomorrow !! Honestly am feeling like my social battery is drained right now and taking the day to reset and prepare to put my extraverted cogan hat on and try to make friends tomorrow. So far this hostel seems to be a little snooty people wise but you cant judge a book buy its cover. Tomorrows a new day.

Love and miss you all 🤍 I cant wait to see my part of my family October 2nd - only 21 days left lol

Mom, youre up next with some 1:1 time in Ireland in 46 days 🫶🏼


Hello from Holmenkollen!!


New Hostels and New Friends