Departure Dayyyy

Welp - let it all begin

The trip is finally here. I can’t deny that the past three weeks have been some of the roughest of my life. Yes, I know. I’m leaving to do something amazing and should be so excited. In reality, I’ve been excited, terrified, happy, sad, and fearful of the decision that I have made. This has been a dream of mine since I don’t even know when. I HAVE to make it work out perfectly. Make all the memories, friends and I can only be excited. Yeah, that’s what I was telling myself. After being excited for so long (pushing off the fears), it all came crashing down.

I made a whole lot of changes in my life to make this trip happen. Not only just putting money aside from the start of college in 2017 but quitting my job (which I was just recently promoted at) knowing I graduated college a little more than a year ago. Dont even start with the fact that i was questioning if I was having a mid (twenties)- life crisis and packing a backpack and traveling as a young female to places I’ve never been. No shit, I was nervous and still am!!

This past year I’ve really reflected on what I want to be able to say about my life when I’m old in a rocking chair telling stories to my wrinkly friends, future children and maybe even young grandchildren. I’ve also lost friends throughout my time at college and it reminded me we cant take any day for granted. So - now its time for this adventure. I know there are going to be bad days, but the good days will always overpower (hopefully!!). I’m pushing myself out of so many of my comfort zones and finally do something for me and my future self.

I am so extremely grateful for the family, friends and honestly everyone supporting me with this decision. I wouldn’t be there without you guys - special shoutout to my dad, mom, laurie, siblings and the OG roomie Emily :)

A little side note - One friend I knew throughout college truly lived his life to the fullest before he passed away winter of 2022. I packed and plan to wear this sweatshirt with a memorial to him and a mantra he lived by: “Everyday’s a holiday” In a weird way, his passing was a huge wake up call for me. So Justin if youre up there still hitting the slopes please watch over me during this adventure 🤍


Getting a Grip on Iceland